Discover our nature campsites

With Night & Day, rediscover the camping experience with our nature campsites.

L'espérience Night & Day

The Night & Day experience

Night&Day is the new brand for natural, authentic camping. Our host teams welcome you for ever more immersive holidays, whether in accommodation or on pitches on unique natural sites... It's a promise we've made with the aim of enabling our customers, who have become "Indés*" for the occasion, to escape and let go. But it's also about the emergence of new ways of consuming tourism and using other forms of mobility.

And all of this is helping to put the spotlight back on villages, towns, museums and other unique cultural catalysts.

This new way of camping is a very special art that makes every "Indés" a responsible player in a unique holiday that's close to the land and respectful of nature!

With Night&Day, we offer you a journey to authentic nature in "easy 2 camp**" mode!

Whether you're a fan of responsible tourism and already a camper, an explorer of new experiences, or even a discoverer, one thing is certain! Our Night & Day campsites offer you accessibility at a very reasonable price. And if you're looking for a harmonious break from everyday life for a stay, a weekend or a holiday, become an Indé! Our hosts are here to help you discover all that!

*Night&Day / N&D / n and d / pronounced "Indé"

** Easy 2 camp: it's always easy to sleep under the stars

Discover our experiences

Discover the vineyards
Discover the vineyards
France is a country renowned the world over for the quality of its wines and the diversity of its vineyards. Discovering France's vineyards can be an unforgettable experience.
Fishing in the great outdoors
Fishing in the great outdoors
Catching fish in natural environments such as rivers, lakes and ponds. For amateur or professional anglers, this is a relaxing activity.
Adventures on the water
Adventures on the water
Explore rivers and lakes by canoe or kayak. An ideal activity for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. Relaxing and fun.
The landscape is often peaceful and enchanting. The sound of the waves breaking on the shore and the warm sand beneath your feet create a unique and relaxing atmosphere.
Cyclo Tourism
Cyclo Tourism
Cycling can be a rewarding and stimulating experience, with the chance to discover new places, meet new people and enjoy memorable adventures.